Hearing voices from Anoiksis on Vimeo.
It started with one voice. Then a second joined in, and a third
The delusion was that the voices came from real people who exchanged thoughts with me.
Bouchra's story about schizophrenia from Anoiksis on Vimeo.
Last year i was diagnosed with schizophrenia, after lots of things happened in my live.
At first it was quite a struggle because i didn't know anything about schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia and the stone of Bert from Anoiksis on Vimeo.
The story of Bert
Schizoaffective disorder. How do we deal with that from Anoiksis on Vimeo.
I am diagnosed schizoaffective with bipolar disorder
Schizoaffective disorder how do we deal with that : Dutchie talks
Diagnose Schizoaffective disorder: Dutchie's mother’s story from Anoiksis on Vimeo.
Diagnose Schizoaffective disorder: A mother’s story
Schizoaffective, learn from Anoiksis on Vimeo.
Behind the scenes
Young Anoiksis Day 2012 from Anoiksis on Vimeo.
Welcome at the joung Anoiksis day (2012)
Life with a living loss : schizophrenia: Dr M. Keirse from Anoiksis on Vimeo.
This interview is about the processing of the fact that you suffer from schizophrenia.
A new paradigm: life with a living loss from Anoiksis on Vimeo.
This lecture was given on a symposium for psychosis and family, at the AMC in Amsterdam.